2009, the Year of Prayer
I was going to wait to write some of this until I had this Sunday's sermon to review. I'm afraid I'll forget what I was going to say, so here goes. Perhaps I'll write a redundant blog entry later when I have the sermon, or at least point back to these others.
I'm not one who makes New Year resolutions. I never have done it and probably never will. This year I'm doing something that resembles a New Year resolution. I think of it more as some spiritual goal that just so happens to coincide with the timing of the calendar rollover.
One of the awesome things that came out of Dave's sermon was a challenge. His message challenged us. His first challenge was to make 2009 a year of prayer. I am in agreement with him that it seems very apparent the hour is late. We are indeed living in the last days before the second advent of Jesus Christ!
For the last 5 months or so, prayer has been on the forefront of my mind. I pray numerous times throughout the day as the Spirit of God weighs heavily on me this need to communicate with Him. I've felt a ridiculously strong impression directly from God Himself to pray. To hear much of the same from my elder was music to my ears. I suppose I could be smug and say, "Amen! I'm already doing that, brother!" Well, glory to God alone. Even so, I feel called to pray even more! Somehow I even sense that I am also to use my zeal to help activate other brothers and sisters to also be more prayerful. Lord, help us to pray! Teach us what we should pray.
I decided to start a prayer journal a few days ago. I've been exposed to quite a number of prayer requests lately. I'm having a hard time keeping track of them all. Hopefully this prayer journal will help me record the requests as they "occur". I guess the more challenging aspect is to be faithful in praying for the requests. Here goes something (rather than "nothing"). Let's make 2009 the year of prayer!