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The Deadening Snow

One horrible consequence of the recent snowstorm was not being able to get to church. Well, at any rate, church services were canceled two weeks in a row. I'm somewhat disappointed because we missed the second half of the four Advent series. The first two were awesome to say the least. There is no making up those last two either because they were seasonal. The appropriate time is past.

Ah, but there is good news still! After what felt like an eternity, I was blessed to meet with my spiritual family this Sunday. It doesn't really even seem possible, but each service I attend at Ethnos seems "better" or more timely than the one before.

Dave's sermon was Kick-Butt Kirkpatrick. I'm serious, man! It was awesome. I'm being challenged and broken every single time I go. I can't stand missing a service. It's like eating only once a week - there's starvation in-between. Even though I listen to the Bible quite a bit and sense the Spirit at work in my life, I especially feel reliant on our weekly meetings and long for more. I really want to get the sermon recording soon, for there is MUCH I must review in great detail. I want to follow up on what was produced in my heart while it is still fresh.

Not only was the service freakishly awesome and impacting to me in every way, but the rest of the evening was glorious as well. Every Sunday someone offers the lot of everyone to come over for fellowship. I rarely go because of my lack of sensible transportation (and I get sick of being so reliant on everyone for a ride).

Fortunately Grandma let me borrow her car to get groceries this weekend. I drove all the way to North Portland to the Glathar residence. There was food aplenty and perfect company. I'm so glad I went. For the most part I absolutely SUCK in social situations. I guess I was so desperate to be with my family this week that I didn't care much about my ineptness. I felt right at home. Thanks guys, for opening up your home at just the right time. You have a beautiful home à mon avis.

Again, I hope to write a few "side stories" or spiritual reactions that resulted from Sunday. Consider this the "brief summary" to give context to the rest.

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