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EsoQuery is Up and Running

It's about time I release a new site feature. I've been slacking a little bit in providing consistent content to look forward too in my blog. I certainly haven't added new art in centuries. The reason being, I have been working on developing a good contact page. It is far from done, but there is something that can be released. The new contact page will be multi-faceted, allowing several ways for users to interact with the site. Perhaps most important and the catch-all will be the general comments form. This is not the feature I chose to develop first. I was too excited about another, more interesting feature and worked on that instead.

The mostly finished contact feature is called EsoQuery. It is basically like a single thread forum with possibility for expansion later. Anyone can ask questions of me, and I will do my best to answer them. There is the option of whether the question is intended to be displayed on the site or if it is a private question. I am hoping I will get some public questions so I can develop a sizable database of questions and answers on a variety of topics. The topics I chose to include for users to select from are topics I have some ability or interest in. Of course, don't expect me to know everything about any of these topics. I don't claim to be an expert at anything. I will, however, do my best to answer your questions or refer you to a resource that can help. In many cases, it will be a learning experience for me as well - one of the goals of this feature: we can learn together. In the future, I will possibly open select questions to the public for other peoples' answers, much like a forum. I do want to be selective in this, however, not because I think I have the best answers, but I want to make sure the scope and purpose of the site remains intact.

When asking a question, you must provide a 200 character or less question sentence that provides the gist of your query. This short sentence will be used as a list heading. If you have a big question that requires a lot of text or code of some sort, use the optional details box to describe your question further. It is required that you provide an email address because otherwise I will not be able to respond to your question. Email addresses provided will not be displayed anywhere on the site and will not be abused, sold or spread in anyway whatsoever. By asking a question, it implies you wish me to send you an email answer. If your question is something that seems appropriate and relevant to my site, and you specify to do so, I will include it as a viewable question for other visitors to benefit from, as well as my answer. In most cases, I will answer in the form of a blog entry. Eventually the questions on EsoQuery will link directly into these blog entries. It is my intent to continue to expand EsoBlog to be used for many different purposes... more than the average blog. Many of my site features will tie into each other... like a slideshow that relates to a blog entry, as I have done before, for example (and linked the two together).

I somewhat tested this new feature and am hoping it is ready for use. I am aware of some minor issues that still need to be modified. This and the other soon to be released contact page features will be available by clicking the Contact link on the main menu.

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