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Sly Bliss EsoLogo

Sly Bliss EsoLogo

I created yet another logo variation. I will call it the Sly Bliss EsoLogo. Why did I create another logo? Well, I guess I had two reasons or causes. First, I saw my friend Dave's site and noticed his new logo. I actually quite like it. Some logos just work, and his is one of those. I hope he keeps it clean and simple. It really looks nice. The second catalyst was reading web design tips written by Jakob Nielen. I will probably eventually read his tips again and refine my site to take into consideration a few of his tips I agree with. Though I'm not a perfect minimalist and enjoy including graphics in my pages, I am aware of download sizes/speeds and wish to keep my pages as small as possible while still looking interesting. So I designed this slightly smaller logo and got rid of the left bottom corner logo. Therefore, pages should load slightly faster now, and there is something new to look at (though I wouldn't necessarily say I like this new logo better).

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