Jack Climbed the Beanstalk
Here I am sitting at my computer in the dark, listening to "He Leadeth Me", as sung by Terry McGlasson. My mind is stirred toward thoughts of one Jack Marrs. What a man. He was a pillar of our church. He passed on just after the Easter service this past Sunday. What a day to go. The angels must be rejoicing. Tears flood my eyes this moment simply because the man will be missed. Yet at the same time I cannot help but have a vision of extreme joy and assurance unrivaled by any in recent memory - that I know this man is in heaven with Jesus, my Lord. Recently I have been longing and thirsting to see the face of my King. This distance and "blindness" to His constant presence so frustrates me. I want more. I will be satisfied with nothing less than looking into His eyes and feeling His hand on my face. So little separates us and our frail bodies from this short life and the next. So foolish I am sometimes to get so distracted and not to give my all for Christ. Thank you Jack. You are severely blessed where you are now, and we were privileged just as much to have had you with us for a time. I will miss you, my brother. And I look forward to heaven where I will have infinite time to listen to your wisdom, jokes and stories. Your "graduation" has greatly blessed me in this hour. I feel so close to Jesus. My passing is but a breath away as well. Praise God. Bless His holy name.