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He's Alive, and So Am I

Well, for those "many" readers who were obviously concerned that by some "hand of fate" I'd not survive to see another day... here I am! Jesus Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. I have died with Him. I died in my sin. Yet I live because my older Brother Himself is the very gate by which I find pasture, in Him is newness of life!

Each day I live by the grace of God. The hand of the Lord sustains me each moment. If one day I don't return to work or to greet you in person with the love God has given me, don't mourn for me. Instead, rejoice, for I have gone home! I long to step over the threshold, for my home is not anywhere near where I've laid my head to rest all these years. There's a sabbath rest prepared for me, and where that be, my Savior also be waiting for me!

I'm Alive!

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