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No Traffic? Whoopty Do

I have been thinking more recently about the issue of not getting much blog traffic. I guess I have come to the conclusion that there might be a couple things I can do about increasing my traffic, but in the end, I must say "Whoopty Do". I realize that it is not realistic to expect many people to visit my blog. In fact, I don't visit many blogs regularly either - just those of my friends and family. So why should I expect the reverse? I just continue to write as often as I can find the time. It is a kind of journal, with some threads of useful information to contribute to the internet.

So far, I have had a few visitors who have come through search engines, looking for information on a particular topic (Jet Li, Maggie Fitzgerald, and Windows XP file sorting, for example). I find that encouraging. If someone reads one of my blog entries and finds some useful information, GREAT! I have written several short tutorials on web designs or graphics software, and I hope someone finds those useful. I also write simple thoughts and reactions to many of the movies I watch - though I'm a bit behind with that. I suppose it is possible that there are a few like-minded people out there who might happen upon my blog. Hopefully someone will be somehow ministered to by something that I write. If so, it is certainly worth my time. If not, well Whoopty Do! ;)

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