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Recantation For Uninhibited Recalcitration

I'm sorry, so sorryI just wanted to let all my faithful visitors know that I am sorry for my apathy. This site has gone through many changes in a short time, yet the site has never really reached full functionality. By the time I get close to completing a full revision, I learn something new and start completely over, leaving several levels of scrappiness in my wake.

Well, fortunately I'm not trying to please anyone with this site as of yet. It is my personal site, and I'm just having fun with it. Of course I would like people to come and experience some sort of comforting effervescent-like remedy, and that is exactly why I am constantly revising everything. Hopefully all the changes I make are appreciated by my audience of 7+ (an optimistic number).

I realize that I might be focusing on the "wrong" things right now. My site is supposed to be all about my art and such. And here I am writing goofy blog entries. Ah well. I guess I'm just doing what's fun, while trying to express myself in written word. I'll update the art side of things when I get time. In reality, revising the galleries is the most difficult step in this new conversion because I will be starting from scratch. There won't be a shred of my previous work evident in the new layout. I am going to strip down a lot of features and shoot for a simple interface with less distractions. I am hoping to keep the same consistent layout I am already using for the home page and blog: a top menu, side menu and main content window. We'll see how it goes when translating all the other pages. Maybe by the time I'm close to finishing, I'll dream up a completely new layout! :)

I guess I could do all this work in the background and release an entire site-wide update all at once like the big guys do. But then you wouldn't see the process and appreciate the work. This is an important element not to be forgotten in life, and I believe by showing this process, I am showing you another part of myself. I hope you can appreciate this without too much frustration or impatience. I know my galleries are a bear and long on the download time. In fact, that was my main motivation for learning PHP. My work on the site was approaching an inevitable roadblock. As I continued to add new art, the thumbnails added up, and the pages slowed down drastically. With PHP, I'll be able to dynamically build the pages and limit what is loaded on each. Lucky me and you and Belgium Gripe Dancers!

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