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Movie Review: The Pacifier

Vin Diesel as the Pacifier

Even though The Pacifier offered very little originality and had "Disney Family Yuckimatronics" written all over it, I found the movie mildly entertaining. Vin Diesel plays yet another tough guy who is forced to baby sit a bunch'o'brats, and in the end grows attached to the kids. Other examples of this very specific genre of film are Kindergarten Cop with Arnold Schwarzenegger; Daddy Daycare with Eddie Murphy; Mr. Nanny with Hulk Hogan; and Dickie Roberts with David Spade.

Let's watch it again!

Vin Diesel plays the part of Shane Wolfe, a navy seals lieutenant, the best of the best. After a backstabbing rescue assignment where he loses the hostage and himself gets shot, his superior gives him the most unlikely assignment with importance of the highest order. Yes, Shane needs to baby sit the kids of a genius scientist who created a chip that can disallow an entire country from using its nuclear weapons, or something like that. The five kids under his care give him little respect until some ninjas appear on the scene, and he saves their lives. A bunch of other stuff happens and Schmickulty-Borgen Stoigert.

Though I can definitely see why people would dislike Vin Diesel as an actor, I frankly enjoy his work. I guess I like gruff action heroes, especially when they display a lot of agility or martial arts ability. Corse, anyone can look like a kung fu master with the right action choreographer... Keanu Reaves, case in point. Anyway, the movie has little redeeming value, but is equally harmless and has a chuckle or two to be found throughout. I think Fred the Monkey enjoyed it, so it can't be all bad.

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