Me, Myself and I
A triple self portrait. Three separately shot digital photos were composited together using Paint Shop Pro X. Location picture is the McDonald's in Bend, Oregon. It is a tradition every time I go to Central Oregon to take a picture, including everyone present, in this particular booth. This particular time in April, 2008, I was by myself and decided to make the most of it by shooting myself in several positions.
The most difficult component to edit digitally was the edge of the table. I didn't realize while I was there that my weight was significantly shifting the angle of the tabletop. I had to do some extra cloning and cut & paste to make each of the three tables line up with the various overlapping arms. Attempts were made to retain all areas affected by each separate PhLo. For example, various shadows and reflections were blended together so each figure's effects on its surrounding area remain accurate to how they appear in the three separate photos. Almost no cloning was necessary. The images were melded mostly by cut & paste and erasing and blending transparency of the various overlapping layers. Minimal additional shadows were added where it is obvious they would appear between the figures.