Xerox Transfer Project
For the past couple weeks I have been working on a project page for the Art Advantage? web site. Art Advantage? is a product line conceived by the company I work for. I was privileged with designing the Art Advantage? web site from scratch. Unfortunately, it is a flat file site with no dynamic components, so each time a product is added or deleted, I have to update the site by hand. Second only to Esotropiart, it is to date my largest project undertaking.
The marketing directors decided it would be beneficial to the site to add some personal project pages. We have several resident artists at C2F. Among them is Juliette. She specializes in creating rich and thought-provoking collages. One of her techniques is to transfer xerox pigment onto a painting surface such as a canvas or board. My task was to present an example of her work in a step-by-step tutorial format.
Juliette chose a simple project she could finish at work while I photographed the necessary steps. I was fascinated at the process she outlined to transfer a photocopied image to the canvas. It is surprisingly simple, and I hope to try it some day when I get some spare time. The artistic possibilities availed by this technique are endless. I would encourage everyone to give this simple project a try. The required tools are fairly simple and inexpensive, and the results can be stunning. These canvas panels can be used to add a nice decorative flair to any space. There is no need to frame them, especially if a thick canvas is used, and the sides are painted as well.