ZenTrim 1, Sky Scroll
Here is a silly script: Perlin noise slowly scrolls across the screen using an HTML5 canvas and Javascript. Since I know essentially nothing about writing canvas-based scripts AI generated this script for me. It is the initial building block for a larger script and doesn't serve much purpose by itself. I'll keep it primarily for historical purposes, as it was a small step toward something else.
The general idea I was going for was random cloud-like shapes that slowly move from side to side. A sunset made up of a few CSS gradients that resemble a sunset inspired this pursuit of procedural cloud rendering. I quickly discovered that generating Perlin noise with Javascript isn't very efficient. I eventually scrapped this approach in favor of pre-made cloud PNGs scrolled horizontally, which I believe to be less demanding on system resources.
This Perlin noise script can still be useful for something to look at or to find inspirational shapes. All my life I have seen things in random patterns. Usually faces pop out at me, but sometimes other objects. Some of my silly drawings were inspired by looking at random noise in nature or in man-made patterns. If you watch the scrolling shapes long enough, you might see an inspiring shape as I do.
Are they clouds? Are they cotton candy? De-saturated nebulas? Darkened, crinkled tinfoil? Smoke? Mountains and craters on the moon? I don't know. They are whatever you imagine them to be.