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On the Thirteenth Day of Christmas

Grandpa's grip

Mom, Dad, Grandma, and I went to the hospital again today to visit Grandpa. He remains mostly unresponsive to stimuli. Every once in a while, for not more than a few minutes (usually but a few seconds) he snaps out of his unconsciousness and interacts with a few words. He seems to be able to regularly show signs of life through his hands though. If you hold his hand, he'll hold yours back, with a discernible grip.

We were able to wake Grandpa from his "out of it" state long enough to get some soup down. He hasn't been eating otherwise because of his lack of responsiveness. It hurts us all to see our precious Grandpa (husband, dad, etc) in this state. We are not sure what to do. Please continue to pray.

There's still snow on the ground today, especially on the side streets. In fact, it's hardly changed around my parents' house. The main streets are pretty clear for the most part.

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa

feeding Grandpa soup

snowy streets in front of my parents' house

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