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Annoying Slime Phantasm

In the year 3085 we will have flying cars, flying houses, flying thoughts, flying bass guitars and coffee flavored eyebrows. Though stuff like "web browsers", "da web altagetha" and "communication via written alpha characters" and "computers" will be long obsolete and stone age-ish... the W3C will still exist, and we will be stuck with CSS r1 alpha, and CSS 3 will not yet be released as a "recommendation". So don't get any "fancy ideas", web designers. By the time your favorite markup language gets a boost, you will be out of a job because the web won't exist as a platform for design anymore. Besides, imagine the danger of things like advanced selectors, multiple backgrounds per element, flowing columns and many other haphazard "advancements" would have if unleashed on the world before their proper time! Insane punks with muskets and frozen TV dinners might frolic in the streets! Beware of smelly food muskets!

Hopefully one of da big wigs will read this and realize that 15 years between web design advancement "recommendations" is really lame - and maybe do something about it! Um... not likely. Too bad my blog won't exist in 3085 to verify. It would possibly be cached in the Google Empire's logs even then... but by then the worldwide brainwash will have worn off, and people will have moved on to follow a different miracle life-change-zappo-promising freakazoid megalith.

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