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Ethnos Web Team Meeting


Last night was the first among hopefully many meetings we will have regarding restructuring the Ethnos Church web site. It has been a couple years since any significant revisions have been made to the site, and it's about time. Much of the information is outdated, and there are some incomplete ideas. A team of people interested in helping was formed several weeks ago. Not everyone could make it to the meeting last night, but it was a very profitable time with those who came.

I'm really glad to be part of this team. It's not clear yet what my contribution will be. Just to be involved with a group of cool, like-minded individuals is a great blessing for me. I am always in need of company anyway. There's no better company than the people of God, and to be discussing work for His kingdom is a godsend.

Though there is no physical product manifested from our meeting, I believe we got a good start on discussing some of the goals for the project. We weighed several options against each other and tried to determine what we envision in an improved web site. Matt is especially excited to get cracking on the work, which is encouraging to me.

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