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Oh Man, the Mercy Seat

Dave said it way better. I'm not trying to preach though, except to myself. So it doesn't have to be brief or sound good (didn't even proof read those last two monsters). If all this stuff is unbearably long, I'm sorry. I'm trying to capture the message that was spoken to me, that came through loud and clear.

Dave made allusions to the horns of the altar in the sermon today. The blood of sacrifices is poured on the four corners of the altar. These points represent the very place where God's mercy comes down. To grab them and weigh down on them is to request mercy in absolute humility and trembling. We had an old-fashioned altar call today with this symbolism in mind. Again, like I was torn with great sorrow some weeks ago (still need to write about that)... I ran to the altar of the cross. I have needed this for longer than I can describe. I grew up in a Pentecostal church where altar calls were a weekly occurrence.

Lord, forgive me for not having the mercy in my heart that You do. You love me in spite of the worst darkness, yet I have not spent my life sharing mercy with others. I beg Your forgiveness for being an unprofitable servant. Stir in me a passion and light a flame. Embolden me against the darkness and give me the ability to explain clearly my relationship with the MIGHTY ONE. You are beautiful in Your majesty. You are the MOST HIGH. Your Name is too lofty for our tongues, yet You have chosen to call us "sons and daughters".

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