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For the Record

This morning I woke up absurdly early and rode my bike several miles to clean a house. Okay, so it wasn't that early - just earlier than I'm accustomed to for Saturdays. A friend from church, Zac, is experimenting with a new ministry. Excited with the fresh idea, I volunteered to help him out. It was a profitable experience. I was most thankful to see blessed faces of my family in Christ. I would have otherwise been at home doing little more than nothing. It's a wonderful thing to be among people, especially company so pleasant.

My mom and I had talked about getting together for a movie marathon after I got done with my morning "chores". I called her up and ended up bike riding and taking the MAX over to my parents' house in the mid-afternoon. We rented a couple movies and ate Subway sandwiches for dinner (and way too much candy!). Again, I can't think of much better company. I need these times with loved ones like I need the Word of God, water and oxygen. My energy is constantly in "drained status", praying without ceasing for the one I love the most and miss the most. I rely heavily on these times of social and spiritual refreshment. Without them I would shrivel up and die. God provides. I have the best family and friends money can buy. Wait... no, that's not quite right - but you know what I mean (I think, hope!).

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