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Deep In Love With You

I never really understood how to reconcile the type of "love" we should have for God, and how it compares to the other forms of love we experience on earth. I don't care anymore. I'm no longer afraid to say, like Smitty does, "I'm deep in love with you, Abba Father!" and "My heart, it beats for you, precious Jesus!" and "You are the Lover of my soul!"

My soul aches for the brokenness of my human relationships, and I will not forget or despise them. However, I am learning lately that they all fade in comparison to the love I must have for God Almighty. He loves me in stronger ways that any husband and wife can demonstrate. In fact, He created marriage to be a mere reflection of His love and never-ending commitment to us. He will never abandon us, even in our worst sin! Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven!

I'm learning much about that whole marriage reflection too. If the things here on earth are seen in our eyes as through a veiled glass... then how much more He must love us than we can comprehend! I used to not know how to appropriately express my love to God in words and actions. Now I cannot hold back, for all my love is His. Lord, may I never value anyone else in this world or in the sky above higher than You! I love You because You first loved me! It seems You have gone to great lengths to gain my love, my attention. You have it, and You are worthy of it and more. May every breath and fiber of my being be made subject to You, for only in You can I be satisfied!

One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And He said to him, "'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' This is the great and foremost commandment."

Matthew 22:35-38 NASB

Have you fulfilled this commandment? Nor have I. I submit that only God can fulfill such a great thing by demonstrating to us HOW it is even possible. Then we must follow Him, and try to do the same. As there is no greater love than one who gives His life for a friend, and God has done this, we must also give Him our very lives. That way, whether in life or in death, we can know that we are in God, and He in us. Any reason to fear that you are loving God too much or giving Him too much attention? God's greatest commandment makes such concerns seemingly impossible!

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