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I'm going to take a moment to congratulate my friend Dave. He called me last night asking some questions about the web hosting service I use, expressing interest in getting his own web site started. I told him the few tips I know, and within a couple hours he had a simple home page up and running. Mind you, it is starting out as just a couple simple paragraphs. But that simplicity is no indicator of Dave's taste or skill. He is quite capable in many facets of web design and has an aptitude for scripting & programming.

In my opinion, it is a good sign, getting something up there so it can be seen that something is happening. My problem is often looking at the entire task of designing something. I get discouraged and put it off for a long time. While the planning stage is important, and it will save you time in the end, there is value to getting content out there where it can be seen.

I'm anxious to see Dave's site develop, and I'll write about any significant improvements here as I see the need. I'll continue to have a link to his site in "My Friends" links to the left, but here is a quick link for the purpose of redundancy:

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