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I Kept Mine. Did You Keep Yours?


Ah, kids. Aren't they great? I wish I was one and never grew up. Oh wait, that's really not far from the truth! Josiah had an agenda for all us old folks today. He prepared a "carnival" for us to perform. We were each handed a piece of rope cut to about 3 inches in length. With the rope we were given a torn piece of paper with what - to adult eyes - appeared to be random letters written on it. Josiah said these were "songs". Here's my song in it's entirety (sing with me now, you know the words!):


Fred liked the fuzzy rope
At the Smith's house, you will find pieces of paper taped to the wall in various places. Only Josiah knows exactly what all of them mean, I suppose. I taped my two gifts to a prominent place at my apartment in a likewise manner. Fred the Monkey was immediately all over it, fascinated with the creativity factors.

All of our various songs were compiled on a typed out and printed paper that was handed to Tiffany. I'm not sure if the typed letters matched the songs on our torn papers, but that's not really important. Tiffany sang the songs quite well. It sounded something like Russian. The amusement was great - just like the "carnival" Josiah envisioned, I think. It's too bad Ashby wasn't there tonight. I bet she would have liked to have been part of the performance. The rest of us simply sat around the dinner table in amazement :)

This is hardly the first occasion of such silliness in the Smith household. Josiah has quite the "random" sense of humor. I'm rather impressed. I didn't develop that level of total senselessness until I was... well, okay, maybe I was silly too when I was young. Mine never stopped. I wonder if he'll give up the "most excellent way". I hope not! What fun!

This all comes from going to the Smith Family Community Group, one of several small groups meeting weekly in association with Ethnos Church where I currently attend. Wes invited me over a while back, and I make it over there from time to time. Good food, relaxed company. God provides, when we need His people most. He's giving me what I need in the hour of my distress - it's coming from many directions. Praise Him! He is good. He is very good. I love Him.

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