Stephen's Angels
So I decided to actually draw something at church Sunday. I sat at one of the big tables, and a pad and pencil eventually appeared before me. Wasn't inspired, didn't have much in mind to draw. Stephen, one our worship leaders, was messing with his guitar, so I drew a very quick mess of him. If it looks like his arms disappeared, it's because he was holding his guitar in a strange way, not playing it. He was tuning or fixing something: I don't know. Hindsight is 20-20. I should have drawn him when he wasn't in that weird position. Oh well. I didn't pay much attention to form - just did a quick layout of the shapes and started filling in with sloppy details.
It seemed too boring or meaningless to draw a random sketch like that, so I drew in two angels as waddle. And a yadda yadda, fill in the rest of the space with scribbly lines and call it done. The pencil was about the worst one I've ever used. I had to press pretty hard to get any dark lines. I was missing my mechanical pencils and woodless pencils. It probably would have turned out a bit better if I had those tools with me. Maybe had a bit more depth and shadow.