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First Contact - Come As You Are

Lately, I have become more interested in sharing Esotropiart with people and attracting some regular visitors. Yes, I enjoy web design. I very much enjoy the process of creating something from scratch. It is an absolute delight to learn something new through my own reading or research and improve my site each day. To be honest, if I could design stuff like this as a career, I would go for it. Of course, I do a fair amount of design at work, but I really want some projects where I have complete control over the back end development as well as the design. I feel competent enough to take on some projects that require dynamic features. I offered to help design a web site for a church in my area some time ago, but haven't heard back much so far.

Anyway, as I seek to improve my site, I have become increasingly interested in showing my site to other people an involving them in my interests, developing a community of like-minded people. Actually, I'd love to have a diverse crowd visiting my site, but realistically only people with similar interests will visit more than once or twice. Every site has a niche, and I hope to find mine.

I am currently developing a very feature-packed contact page so that visitors can interact in several different ways. The page will eventually have at least 5 sections, or forms:

  • General Feedback - A form for general communication or feedback. This is where people might send me a message just saying "hi", or "I like your site!"
  • Guest Book - A place for first-time visitors to chime in, and let me know there were there.
  • Ask Me - Ask me anything about a wide variety of subjects. Questions as well as my answers will be posted on my site for others to see and benefit from.
  • Blog Comments - Here is where the blog comments can be read in a more intuitive manner. Currently it is hard to see if a new comment has been posted in response to an older blog entry. The Blog Comments page will allow these comments to be sorted by date or topic all in one place, instead of hunting for new ones for each blog entry. This page will be linked directly to EsoBlog.
  • Report an Error - It will be possible to report a broken link, spelling error or other problems here. Each page of the entire site will be listed here, so it will be possible for my dedicated fans to pinpoint the exact location of a problem on the site and communicate the nature of the problem, so I can fix it in a jiffy (everyone's favorite word).

My goal is never notoriety for myself. I just want a group of people with whom I can interact through my web site on a regular basis. Esotropiart is a fun project for me to work on, but I have hopes for so much more to come out of it. I think it has potential to bring a community of interesting people together and help them appreciate more the joy and significance of life through mutual sharing of experience and learning. Life is a process and a journey containing reflections of eternity. I hope Esotropiart will help myself as well as others reach together towards Someone higher and greater than ourselves.

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