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Jim Guys are the Best Type of Guys

Friday evening I was blessed to be able to ride with Dave over to Jim's house. I've been pretty bored lately, so this diversion was a Godsend. Jim Guys are a class of friend I cannot adequately describe. These guys befriended me 15 years ago, and we have stayed in contact through the best of times and the worst of times. In a world largely lacking examples of Christ-like love, I feel like a valued person through the influence of these one of a kind chums. I cannot guarantee I will always have these friends; only God knows that. However, I thank the Lord for bringing them into my life. Good friends are hard to come by in this life. The older I get, the more difficult it is for me to find authentic friendships. Life starts becoming more seasonal and evolving. Most come and go with the ebb and tide of life.

While at Jim's house I drew two 3x5s. As usual, when I don't have an preconceived concept in mind I resort to drawing odd shapes with embedded facial features.

Mr. Morris' Seventh Elixir of Life

Mr. Morris' Seventh Elixir of Life

Underwater Status Quo Spy Gang Appeal

Underwater Status Quo Spy Gang Appeal

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