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Inventory Doodle

Two weeks ago Saturday March 29, I was at work for a mandatory inventory. We have these twice a year now (used to be just a year end inventory). The fist times I partook in inventory I didn't mind it so much. Of course it is always annoying to have to go to work on a day not normally scheduled and cutting into the already too short weekend. It's also horribly dirty and dusty, pulling boxes off the shelf. However, there are some pluses:

  1. Extra pay (or extra time off to equal out the time)
  2. Lunch (and sometimes dinner) provided
  3. A break from the normal routine
  4. Get to see products that I don't normally notice walking through the warehouse. Being that it's all art supplies, I enjoy seeing what's new.
  5. Get to converse and interact with people that I normally pass by, and everyone's usually in a more relaxed mood and in casual attire in comparison to normal work days.
  6. The time usually passes relatively quickly

This time, however, I was pretty much completely bored. I benefited from #1 and #2 above as usual, but otherwise I simply didn't want to be there. I guess I don't have any clear buddies or groups I fit in with at work, so I just sat around during the dead times. I could have been more social and jumped into random conversations, but didn't feel like it.

The largest time of sitting around usually occurs between the completion of the first count and the start of the second count, when variance reports are being printed and analyzed. It was during this time I noticed my boredom, and I decided to doodle to pass the time. The scrap below is what I came up with.

Taking Stock of One's

Taking Stock of One's

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