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Drawing and Video Games Jim Guys Gathering

Often on Friday nights, the Jim Guys get together like old times, usually playing video games. Last Friday evening, Dave and I drove over to Jim's house. Jim showed us his latest game purchase for the X-Box 360. Lost Odyssey is an incredibly cinematic and very realistically rendered role playing game (RPG). The storyline opens up immediately, and anyone watching is forcibly drawn in, as there is a lot of unexplained mystery right of the bat. Well made games nowadays have at least as much spectator value as movies - even more, being that your actions affect the plot. The 3D in-game graphics (playable, not pre-rendered) are stunning on the new Seventh Generation Console Systems are amazing - considerably better than fully rendered cinema scenes on previous generation console games! Throughout the gameplay and story that we encountered, there are "dreams" where the main character remembers things from his forgotten past in the form of a flashback. The memories are beautifully presented with animated backgrounds and beautifully flowing text. The plot is very well written, and once the game is started, you're hooked! I regret that I don't have a 360 to start up the game myself. I'm sure I'll miss quite a bit of plot by the next time I see the game. Jim will probably be on the last boss in a few days, knowing his dedication to games :).

While at Jim's house, watching the game, I drew another 3" x 5".

Fussy Knuckles Meets Zester Malwhistec

Fussy Knuckles Meets Zester Malwhistec

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