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Jugglisk II

Didn't do a whole lot out the ordinary today. I decided to go to the park to juggle again. The best I did was 1346 consecutive hits. Not bad. I was satisfied because my old requirement was to get 1000 every outing, and I accomplished that. I also worked a little on high catches. This little exercise helps me improve my ability to focus and regain control of the ball. High catches involve interrupting the normal juggling flow with very high kicks, propelling the ball as high and vertically straight as I can. The challenge is to position myself under the ball and try to "catch" it (take the shock of the fall with my foot or knee) and continue juggling. The difficulty of the catch varies with the height of the kick and how much positioning I have to do. Juggling higher is considerably harder, and I typically only catch three or five of these high kicks before losing control. It is especially difficult if I don't kick the ball straight up, and I have to go running to catch it.

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