The second of four poems I wrote late last night, Deadmon is a fuzzy fiction about some of what may have occurred in the grand story of the spirit world as presented in the Bible. Satan was cast down to earth. God cries for the souls that will be lost as the result. He chooses to make it possible for these souls' recovery through Jesus' sacrifice, prior even to their creation, as He knows all things.
by PhLo
June 25, 2007
The shrill voice cast over the moon
As midnight's vest unfolds complete.
Shattering window, a coward's boon;
Incomplete shadows at his feet.
"What have you done?" the Archangel told him,
"Why have you settled for lies?"
Hope for the future has grown dim;
Uncreated souls lost in the balance.
Louder, heavenly weeping heard over their cries.
Nothing unseen can be done;
The Father sees only one choice.
Cast into darkness His Son
For those who draw nigh to His voice.
The Lover's lost battle is ending;
Birds, fields and mountains reply.
Shattered glass window is mending;
Unearth thine wind and song,
For sheep of this Shepherd will fly.