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EsoQuery Returns

Last night I reactivated EsoQuery after a day's work getting it ready. In preparation, I looked through the PHP/XHTML source code line-by-line, making sense of it and inflicting some minor structural and logical changes. I also made some noticeable changes to the interface for readability and good sense. I took EsoQuery offline back in April primarily because it was then that I made the decision that EsoQuery was important enough to be its own separate page. It used to be lumped together on the contact page, tough to notice for the average visitor. It is my hope that the feature will gain more attention because I want to get it loaded with more questions and answers. It is not really a useful feature until it has some content driving it. Even if I don't get a lot of people asking questions, I will probably create some queries myself just to fill it in a bit. I have encountered numerous situations where I need an answer to something, and I have to scour the search engines to find something remotely related or useful. So, if I have to go to that trouble, I might as well add an EsoQuery with my findings, just in case someone else has the same question. Then, when they scour the web, maybe they'll find my answer on the seven-hundredth page of search results!

Don't forget, it's Wu Shu day! DaColas

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