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Pentalic Site Revisions

Pentalic logo/photo I created especially for the web site
I created this rough sketch of the Pentalic logo especially for the web site. I also had to photograph my own hand awkwardly using my left hand to handle the camera. And yes, I actually used Pentalic paper (Meridian) and a Pentalic Woodless Graphite Pencil!

Pentalic was one of my first web design projects. I suppose it was perhaps my second or third professional project while working at C2F, Inc. For me, it is evidence of how quickly I was able to pick up web design. I credit God for that, though some people might get big headed egos and say of themselves, "I can do anything I set my mind to". I believe people can do amazing things when they have the drive to do it, but in this case, I give credit to the Lord of heaven and earth.

Anyway, the Pentalic site is very simple; the product line is small. This week I updated the XHTML and CSS (more logical underlying structure), made a few small visual changes, and refreshed the featured products. I decided not to completely redesign the look of the site. I made only a couple graphical enhancements. Normally I look back on previous projects or drawings of mine and cringe in fear and dismay. I am not yet horrified by my work on this project and generally like how it looks and how simple it is.

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