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Weekly E Special Text

One of the many responsibilities I have where I work is to produce a weekly ad for product with special discounts. The ad goes out in the form of an HTML-rich email to all our customers. I have fun arranging the product photos (sometimes I photograph them if we don't already have an image) and promotional graphics and try to vary it each week for interest.

I feel much more free to create simple and fast graphical objects using Macromedia Fireworks (now an Adobe product) as opposed to Adobe Photoshop, or most any other graphics program out there. Fireworks has a level of object orientation that no other program in existence has achieved. As I was playing around with the price object this week, I came up with what I thought was a pretty interesting effect. This sort of fun effect discovery tends to happen more when using Fireworks. See the result below.

Weekly E Special Promotional Graphic

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