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ZenTrim 4, SVG Edition

ZenTrim 4, SVG Edition

The earliest script from this ZenTrim series is a simple SVG animation that was surprisingly difficult to set up.

ZenTrim 3, Parallax Sunset

ZenTrim 3, Parallax Sunset

A relaxing animation of parallax scrolling clouds with a colorful sunset. Scripted using HTML5 canvas and basic CSS.

ZenTrim 2, Cloud Generator

ZenTrim 2, Cloud Generator

A Perlin noise script to create feathered cloud-like PNG textures for use as tiles in my parallax scrolling sunset scene.

ZenTrim 1, Sky Scroll

ZenTrim 1, Sky Scroll

A small script to generate infinite Perlin noise to scroll across the screen.

Linux Minty Freshness

Linux Minty Freshness

I switched to Linux. Read all the nerdy details to decide if the switch is right for you too.

This Is an AI Generation

This Is an AI Generation

Without any plan what to write, I open up my freshly-coded blog post form and end up talking mostly about AI.

Latest Art

Theater 2 Theater 1 Snowman Looking Back Knee Honk Hole Connoisseur Background Condiments Circle Biff Cathedral Carton Closp Captain Franken Von DoubleDork From the 8th Dimension Candlestick Cabin Sketch