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Fortune Cookie's Dreams Fulfilled

My most recent visit to Panda Express (Panda Exproido, as it could be called) revealed something about myself I never knew. Apparently I've always dreamed of glamour and luxury.

Your dreams of glamour & luxury will come true

Little did I know that it would come true so soon. A couple days later, it all fell into place. I believe these pictures prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. If you feel differently, please don't shatter my hopes and dreams. It better be worth it because I had to iron a shirt, which is a rare occasion for me. It's all about the glamour, baby! Consequently, these pictures also show the most recent state of my ever-increasing volumetric hair.

glamour and luxury

glamour and luxury

glamour and luxury

glamour and luxury

glamour and luxury

glamour and luxury

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