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Johnny Cash Reads the Bible

Johnny Cash reads the Bible

While helping Paul and Mer with their house on Saturday I learned something exciting. Jeremy was pressure washing the driveway when Jordan (I'll be really annoyed at myself if I got that name wrong - all of a sudden, the very moment I needed my recall to work, I'm experiencing tip of the tongue syndrome even though otherwise I've been remembering your name all this time since I met you last Sunday!) pointed out his ear buds. "What tunes are you listening to?" Jeremy responded, "Johnny Cash reading Revelation". Now that certainly sparked my interest. I recently shared how God gave me the new gift of listening to His Word audibly. In addition, Jeremy told me some days ago that he too was encountering the Word in new and exciting ways this year.

What instantly piqued my interest was the fact that Jeremy specifically said "Johnny Cash" reading the Bible. Ever since hearing Johnny Cash singing or speaking, I'm pretty sure I regard his voice as the most unique and attractive voice I've ever heard. He has such a deep and rustic sound all to its own! I'm not a huge collector of his music or anything, but every time I hear his voice it calls my attention, and I think, "Cool! That's Johnny Cash!"

Just now I ordered the CD set of Johnny Cash reading the entire New Testament in the New King James Version of the Bible. Though I'm not totally sick of my Text-to-Speech Bible listening, I can't imagine anything better than hearing my favorite voice in the world reading my favorite text in the world (beyond this world)!

So thanks, Jeremy, for being specific in your answer yesterday! I'm really anxious to get the CDs in the mail now!

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