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The Latest Wave is... Death to Humankind

It has long been a conspiracy theory of mine that all these waves we emit via technology through the air are destructive to the health and safety of humans. I believe in addition that much of our food processing has a similar affect. Both of these things are regulated by federally legislated agencies, and the amount of waves and chemicals out there are all "approved" for the health and safety of the average American citizen. In short, it's my belief we are killing ourselves

This legislation provides a false security. It is documented fact that certain transmitted waves and chemicals in concentrated form are either lethal or destructive - often causing defects and serious diseases such as cancer. Despite this danger, rather than banning these sources of death and disease, the government simply regulates their volume. As long as we don't absorb or consume over a determined amount, we are "safe". Nonsense. Poison is poison.

There are many scientific factors that could nullify any measurements that are decided to be "harmless". For example, perhaps cell phones, TV, radio, microwaves, satellites, wireless internet, wireless phones, bluetooth, and a HOST of other wave generating devices are individually regulated and determined to be harmless (a questionable determination already). However, who is monitoring the affect of all these waves together? My bet is no one - at least not adequately.

Another perhaps unforeseen or at least unregulated factor is the concentration of such waves and their emitters. Almost everyone has multiple TVs, radios, cell phones, wireless devices and so on - in nearly every single household in this country! In some densely populated metropolitan areas, this can amount to an astounding number of wave emitters in a relatively small patch of land.

Here's yet another reason for deciding against getting a cell phone: one of many articles on the affects of cell phone use. Now, I just read that a 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz (or even higher frequencies nowadays) cordless phone emits the same level of wave destruction as a cell phone. If I was super-paranoid, I'd probably get rid of my cordless phone. I get so few phone calls that it probably has little affect, since the waves are likely only transmitted (or at least increased) when the phone is disconnected from the charger/base and in talk mode.

My theory is that, if accurate records were available, a trend of disease could be tracked that fairly directly correlates to the number of wireless devices and increased chemicals found in modern processed food. Unfortunately I don't think we have documented records to support it all, for medical records haven't always been as informative as they are now (or could be better even now?). After all, modern knowledge of cancer (to name a key disease potentially linked to wireless devices) has only blossomed in the last 50 to 100 years, along with modern science. It is therefore difficult to know how trends have changed since the advent of wireless technology. To me, even without the data, it seems like a no-brainer (sorry - bad pun considering the subject matter) that cancer and other diseases have increased sharply in connection with modern technology and chemistry.

While the cellphone popping popcorn or cooking an egg videos might be hoaxes, I still believe there is something to being concerned with the vast increase of waves beaming through the air. At the same time, I utilize many such devices and don't live in total fear. Even if I were to rid myself of all offending devices, I'd still have waves messing with my cells from all my neighbors and my city's infrastructure. We all die some day... I guess it just means maybe more of us will die of cancer. Even if there were no unnatural waves traveling through our atmosphere, I'd still probably get cancer or some other defect from all this pop I drink. Food for thought... or perhaps for death... or perhaps it's not even food at all. Yeah, that's it. Not food for death, aka starvation. Oooo, that's deep! okay, not really. The End.

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