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The Bike Ride Known as MegaDeath Sanchez

Yesterday was a significant day in my bike riding history. Most may see it as fairly insignificant. Some riders probably have a daily commute that bests my one time route. Nevertheless, for me it was a challenge to speak of, and in my mostly decrepit physical condition, an accomplishment.

My friends Dave and Marcus invited me to join them yesterday evening, and I decided to meet them at Marcus' apartment. The problem is that Marcus lives right in the thick of the west hills. I looked on Google Maps for a route that could get me there as quickly as possible as the crow flies.

Unfortunately, as I quickly found out, the crow's flight is unaffected by ridiculously steep climbs, unlike me in its shadow. I chose a path that took me parallel to Canyon Blvd and up through Sunset Hills Memorial Park. The path from there was increasingly up and steep until I reached nearly the full summit of Elk Point. The climb was so ridiculous at one point (as I passed equally ridiculously expensive houses) I had to walk a short distance. That turned out to be a mistake, as both my legs almost immediately started cramping up. I applied my fictitious and non-existent t'ai chi calming ceremony of total mastery over bodily control and was able to continue shortly after. Finally at the peak of my journey, the short distance to Marcus' from there was a breezy and enjoyable descent.

I chose a different route on the way home (duh!). I simply took Barnes down to Cedar Hills Blvd and cut across to Hall. It was so ridiculously easy after what I endured previously, it felt like I was riding on silver buckets filled with intricately cut diamonds and teacups made of solid sapphire, surrounded by Guadalupes del Hamburger (in other words, it was pleasant and smooth - just like all those things listed?). It felt like I was home in no time flat.

Bike Stats: 09-03-08
Distance 20.80 miles
Ride Time 1 hour, 43 minutes, 32 seconds
Average Speed 12.0 miles per hour
Maximum Speed 28.5 miles per hour

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